Forbes notes that spending time with employees is something that improves an organization over time, so return on investment is not immediately apparent. However, there are several good reasons to spend time with employees.
The challenges that organizations face with employees during the Great Resignation show how important it is to prevent burnout amongst employees. Employees who feel like time and pressure is unreasonable are more likely to feel burnout. As the pandemic changed how employees were working, a number of them took on new responsibilities and struggled to get their work done.
Millions of employees have left their jobs for reasons other than retirement, and employees cited in high proportions that they were experiencing burnout. The Harvard Business Review notes that while the pandemic was a catalyst, the years leading up to it provided years of employees experiencing the buildup of feeling burnout.
Having time, face-to-face or, these days, virtually, improves communication between management and employee. Being willing to invest time into employees shows that a manager cares about them. This promotes and gives a clear platform for open communication. Communication can be formal, such as by doing performance reviews and training, or informal, such as ongoing feedback and mentoring.
Employees who feel valued will be more engaged in the workplace. By asking for feedback, an employee is able feel heard and know that their opinions matter to their managers. Further, by following up on feedback, more communication is established between employees and managers.
Mentoring and Coaching
Coaching, mentoring and training all rate high on a study by Harvard Business Review as being important to employees. It is clear from the study that these things are highly valued to employees. Spending time with employees will help managers and employers watch for signs of burnout amongst employees. Burnout can be seen evidenced by sloppy work, irritability, and low productivity which would be visible if there is time spent with employees.
Utilizing HR practices can improve employee engagement. According to SHRM, training and development improve satisfaction amongst employees, as well as drives better performance. Training as a whole contributes to an understanding of where the employee fits into the organization and why their role is of value to the overall direction of the company.
Spending time with employees can also be done with managing an employee’s performance. This is a positive engagement that allows for employees to set goals, gain applicable feedback, and be recognized for their contributions to the organization.
Engagement and Value
Employees find value in time spent with their managers and is something that employees take very seriously. Employees who develop a relationship with their managers as a result of time spent have more loyalty to them, and indirectly, to the company.
Disengaged employees do not feel connected to their jobs, and employers do not get the best that the employee has to offer. The value of time spent is clear, and when that time is spent, employees become more engaged with their work and their company. Engaged employees differ greatly in loyalty and productivity to those who are not engaged.
At ESSG, relationships are an essential part of what drives us. Our solutions help eliminate the tedious back-office responsibilities that are time consuming and labor intensive. We want you to have time to focus on your business and building your relationships, both in your community and in your office.
About the Author
Founded in 2005, by an ex-labor law attorney, a financial banker, and a business development expert, Employer Solutions Group's purpose is to help businesses (of any size) , lower the operating costs that come with having employees. Partnering with ESG to assume these responsibilities will increase your company's profitability, decrease employee turnover, so you can stay focused on your business' mission. Someone once asked our CEO what business he was in. His response: “We are in the business of helping people”.