Workers' compensation safeguards employee well-being while protecting businesses from potential financial liabilities. To minimize workers’ comp claims and keep costs low, effective risk management is crucial. Implementing risk management strategies will create a safer work environment and allow your business to prevent workplace illness and injuries, reduce costs, and foster a healthier, happier workplace.
Risk management involves identifying, evaluating, and mitigating hazards that could cause workplace injuries or illnesses. Below, we discuss some key components that should be included in any risk management program.
Thorough Risk Assessment
The first step is to conduct a risk assessment to identify all ways in which your organization is exposed to a risk of loss through workers’ compensation claims, lawsuits, or legal noncompliance. This should include a review of previous claims and incident reports and discussions with employees. A thorough assessment will clarify the nature and severity of each risk, allowing leaders to make well informed decisions about appropriate mitigation measures. To best protect your business, it’s recommended to assess all five types of risk: strategic, compliance, financial, operational, and reputational. Workplace hazards can impact each of these.
Safety Protocols & Other Preventive Measures
After you’ve gained visibility into potential workplace hazards, you’ll be better equipped to implement effective preventive measures. Depending on the nature of your business and the risks identified, this might include updating operational procedures, adding managerial oversight, providing personal protective equipment, updating machinery, making repairs, purchasing ergonomic equipment, or a wide variety of other steps. It can be invaluable to consult with risk management professionals, who can provide expert guidance as you develop protocols and identify the most effective steps you can take to minimize workplace risks.
Employee Training
With updated safety protocols in place, the next step is to ensure your employees understand them. Training should raise employee awareness of workplace hazards and instruct them in how to avoid associated illnesses and injuries. Employees should be trained to identify hazardous conditions and follow specific reporting and/or mitigation procedures. Make sure to create training materials that are appropriate to each role in your business, so each employee gets the specific information they need to do their jobs safely. Additionally, make training part of onboarding so employees have this critical information from day one, and repeat your safety messaging frequently so it stays fresh in employees’ minds.
Clear Reporting & Investigation Procedures
It’s vital to ensure employees at all levels understand exactly what they need to do in the event they identify a hazard or either witness or experience an illness, injury, or near miss. Timely reporting and investigation are critical to understanding the root causes of incidents so they can be prevented. Instruct employees in how to appropriately document incidents, and build transparency into your investigation and review process so employees can be confident that any concerns are being addressed and their safety protected.
Continuous Evaluation & Improvement
Risk management is an ongoing process. Because legal requirements, technology, and our understanding of workplace hazards are always evolving, risk management requires continuous monitoring, evaluation, and occasional updates to protocols, procedures, and equipment. It’s important to stay abreast of the latest legal developments affecting your industry as well as periodically review the safety records of the various positions in your company to identify new or emerging risks and prevent future losses.
Risk Mitigation Supports Long-Term Growth & Success
By creating a workplace risk mitigation strategy that incorporates the key components discussed above, you’ll be able to proactively address risks, create a safer work environment, support employee morale, and improve the overall resilience and stability of your business. Not only will it reduce your company’s risk of loss through workers’ compensation claims, lawsuits, and fines, but it will also support a happier, more productive workforce. Ensuring worker safety is simply the right thing to do, but it’s also a smart business practice. When they take better care of their workers, businesses can reap numerous benefits, including less turnover, lower costs, greater efficiency, and a better reputation among employees and potential customers alike.
Employer Solutions Staffing Group has extensive experience helping businesses increase their value and reduce risk. We provide comprehensive solutions that simplify and streamline employment processes, including workers’ compensation and risk management. Our OSHA-trained professionals are available to work individually with your business to reduce workplace hazards to protect your workers and minimize risk to your company. To learn more, browse our free resource library.
About the Author
Founded in 2005, by an ex-labor law attorney, a financial banker, and a business development expert, Employer Solutions Group's purpose is to help businesses (of any size) , lower the operating costs that come with having employees. Partnering with ESG to assume these responsibilities will increase your company's profitability, decrease employee turnover, so you can stay focused on your business' mission. Someone once asked our CEO what business he was in. His response: “We are in the business of helping people”.